Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Secuirty Threat My Ass

I've always wanted to maintain a certain level of decorum to my posts. Not this time. I am typing things as I feel it. On April 16th 2010, Parvathi Ammal 79 year old mother of Velupillai Prabakaram was not allowed into India. She had a valid Visa to come to India given by Indian embassy officials in Malaysia. The immigration officials cited security reasons for not allowing her into this country. She was stopped in the plane, possibly harassed and sent back to Malaysia in the same plane. Justice in this case was swift. Lets recollect the reason again.


What in the name of hell do these people think. A 79 year old, sick woman with a valid visa for treatment was not allowed into this great nation because her presence would cause law and order problem. Alright. Lets get some perspective here.

One of India's or should I say, Indian Government's darling is Mahinda Rajapaksa; A.K.A Caligula Lite. Lets take a look at his remarkable achievements here.

Amnesty International, one of the leading defender of human rights is banned in Srilanka. One of the very few nations to ban them

The last stages of the recent ethnic cleansing conducted by Srilankan government ended in millions of ethnic tamils being displaced, killed or even worse. Amensty International urged the United Nations to conduct immediate enquiry into these claims but those efforts were thwarted by Srilanka with allies such as YOUKNOWWHO and YOUKNOWWHOELSE

This "man" gets to go to Thirupathi thirumala on a whim, visit the cream of the ruling party and all.

But not an old lady for medical treatment.

There is a saying in Tamil.

பேய்கள் ஆட்சி செய்ய பிணம் தின்னும் சாத்திரங்கள்

How true it it.

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